Sacred Tree Keepers is a global community devoted to connecting human beings with nature the old way, embracing the missing foundation in our modern vision of life: Earthbound Spirituality.
To be Earthbound in vision is to see beauty and wisdom in the natural—that which was here before us and which may remain after. In practice, Earthbound Spirituality is simple: it means to listen to what the other residents of Earth have to say.
To practice Earthbound Spirituality could, at first glance, appear to clash with the modern scientific vision of rational materialism. Yet, the heart of spirituality, in general, is to understand. In this sense, to be scientific is to be spiritual. The difference is in the locus of understanding.
To see the beauty in all that springs forth from the Earth, and then to have enough good sense to learn from it—not in a dissected, abstract formation, chopped up into theories and ideologies, but as whole—we must become matured at perceiving life through the heart.
We do a few things here, but the core of it is this: To help human beings mature in wholeness, through the practice of Earthbound Spirituality.
Our practices are founded on a simple approach to self-cultivation that unifies individuality and self-actualization with the collective power of dynamic group support. Each of the modalities we practice support one another, offering a complete way of study that is holistic, effective, powerful & achievable.
Primordial Breath
This modality stems from the roots of Ancient Daoist Neigong and is sometimes called Embryonic Breathing. It refers to a way of slowing and modulating the breath to open up our body's deep tissue and attune to subtlety. Cultivating this practice requires a minimum commitment of about 20 minutes per day but the benefit one reaps from a little bit of devotion well out-weights the investment
Tobacco Prayer
Tobacco is viewed throughout the global, indigenous world of shamanic arts as the most powerful and utilitarian plant medicine that exists. It allows the practitioner to connect and amplify connection with any plant species on Earth—indeed it is thought by modern scientists that every plant species on Earth contains nicotine receptors. We work with a species of Tobacco in this community that is native to the Amazon jungle of South America and is considered to be a pure form of plant medicine.
Tree Dieting
The concept of trees as keepers of wisdom needs no introduction to human beings. Indeed, we know it through our evolution, given that our predecessor species resided within trees as home. Tree Dieting is a sacred and powerful modality of shamanic medicine that can be found in many forms globally, but is most well-known through the South American Amazonian cultures. It involves a period of seclusion and austerity to connect to the energy of a Teacher Tree while drinking its tea.
Self-knowledge is sometimes called Gnosis. Gnosis is not the kind of knowledge we inherit from books, systems of logic or from others. Gnosis originates in our interior. It is inner knowing. It is the form of self-knowledge that inspires us to act courageously, sacrifice for the greater good and make leaps of faith. Because it comes to us through the body, Gnosis is ancestral. AThe body contains the genetic information of all the life-forces which came before it. Our work is oriented towards accessing this doorway of the ancestral body.
The importance of trees to Earth’s biosphere needs no introduction. Yet many efforts to implement conservation projects neglect to model and teach what love of forests looks like at the level of the heart. Honoring the sacred nature of trees is not simply an ancient, globally-human spirituality, but is moreover a vital step on the pathway to ecosystem conservation
"In the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught.”
-Baba Dioum, Senegalese Conservationist & Forestry Scientist
Earthbound Spirituality and Modern Scientific Research need not conflict, but may find confluence through holding the highest regard for living consciousness and, its primary agent, evolution: the mysteriously beautiful life-process itself.
It is our deeply-held belief that by re-opening ourselves to the innate wisdom of the Earth, we might create a better world for life to flourish. Forestry Stewardship & Tree Planting Workshops incoming.